WAEC had never been sorry and will never ever be sorry because of the monopoly they enjoy in West Africa and Ghana in particular.
when have we ever heard of WAEC ever arresting any of its corrupt officials who, in the first place must be considered as the first source of leakage? Look don't we hear of heavy under dealings between These WAEC officials and some of the bigger private educational institutions in which they are share holders?
Who says the teachers work does not include helping students preparing for examination in solving any question of interest to that student? What crime is there if I am helping my students solve any question before exam?
How do I know that WAEC has leaked it's questions?
And even if I know that is it a WAEC authentic question, what do I care. I the one to protect the sanity of the question sold it out to the public? I believe that once WAEC had decided to go public by selling what should remain private, they have no business expecting it to remain private. They have no business expecting the public not to use or discuss it. And so they have know business arresting anybody for using or possessing those so called "to be sacred" materials.
Every now and then, when they are faced with their own disgrace. Then they quickly look for scape goats in some innocent teachers just doing their extended jobs as a"teacher at all times" and some students who in fact, do not know where the questions come from and so cannot tell who is behind this corrupt act and that is all. Not a single permanent officials of WAEC will be picked and hailed into custody by the system.
Which kind of crime investigation is this.
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