“Mr. President, crack the whip”

The Daily Graphic Editorial
of Friday, October 3, 2014 titled “Mr. President, crack the whip”
1. The canker for corruption that
has engulfed our country has
become malignant now, as those
involved in the act appear
incorrigible. It is spreading like a
tumour. As a result of the thievery
and or plunder of public resources
by some state officials, the people
are faced with numerous challenges
that otherwise could have been
taken care of with the country's

2. Ghana has been touted as one of
the best democracies on the
African continent as emerging
middle income country, but
Ghanaians are yet to experience the
impact of these in their lives

3. The people have become
suspicious of appeals from their
leaders to sacrifice for a better
future when they see their leaders
use their taxes and offertory to
sustain extravagant lifestyles.

4. Every day the people wonder
whether their leaders are conscious
of sustainable development since
they are eating away everything
now with nothing for the future.

5. The Daily Graphic can say
without any contradiction that the
people have become despondent.

6. The Daily Graphic appeals to all
Ghanaians, irrespective of their
political affiliations, to raise their
voices against an act of corruption
or white-collar crime, while the
state should prosecute all those
looting the country’s resources.
