Ghanaian Software Developers Launch AnansiPedia.

Two young Ghanaian software
developers, Raindolf Owusu,
founder of Oasiswebsoft and
Samuel-Dexter Gaisie-Yeboah,
founder of SofteReckon LLC,
have jointly launched
AnansiPedia, an educative
platform to enhance distance
learning in Africa and beyond.
Launched in July 11, 2014, in
Ghana’s capital, Accra, the
cross-windows application will
allow seamless sharing of
educational resources, to help
less privileged students in
environments with little
information technology
infrastructure. It also gives
access to a wide range of quality
academic content.
AnansiPedia aims to improve
literacy and human
development indices for Africa
and other developing countries
through eLearning.
“We want everyone to learn at
their own pace without the fear
of being left behind as with
classroom study,” Raindolf
Owusu said.
He believes the platform will be
more successful if it gains
access to content from Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
MOCC is aimed at achieving
unlimited participation and
open access via the web. It
provides interactive user
forums that help build a
community for students,
professors and teaching
Raindolf and Samuel believe
information is power, therefore
sharing knowledge with the
world is necessary.
AnansiPedia will serve as an
offline hub for educational
materials such as slides,
publications, videos of lectures
from world class universities
and scholars.
The software can be downloaded

“We chose AnansiPedia because
of the unstable, slow and
expensive Internet that is being
offered around most parts of
Africa, especially in the rural
areas. It will help students in
remote areas in one part of the
world to get free access to an
article written by another
student/ researcher/ tutor, in
another part, to enhance
learning,” the co-founders said.
Anansipedia is a good project,
kudos to the founders.

This problem-solving
application will inspire others
in the field of technology to
come up with projects to help
keep the Continent moving. It is
high time Africa found local
solutions for her problems. We
can’t keep relying on outsiders
for help. We are better placed to
solve our own problems.

Wow! Ghanaian doing it again.
